Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day

Today we celebrate all the wonderful, strong, and simply amazing women all over the world. This day is important to us at Rosalique as, while our product is made for everyone, women are well represented within our team and a large part of our customers are women too. Our mission is always to encourage women to embrace their natural beauty, and on this significant day we wanted to share some Rosalique success stories from some amazing ladies!  

"I’m Tori, I’m turning 40 this year and I’ve been aware  of skin redness since my teens. I look after my skin and am very interested in skin care having been a beauty therapist for 15 years. My skin flushes really easily particularly my cheeks, neck and chest and I have broken capillaries.

I used to use heavy foundation to mask the redness but definitely prefer a lighter feel now I’m older as my skin is otherwise clear. I use Rosalique every day now and love how lightweight it is and how well it lasts - even after the mad dash of the school run in all weathers my redness is still calmed. It’s easy to apply when I’m in a rush, makes me look more awake according to my husband and my skin fresh."


"I’m Chrissy and run a floristry business specialising in weddings. I love Rosalique, I was first introduced to the product by a very talented Makeup artist, Belle Denbury and it has made my morning routine so much easier!

I’m up extremely early visiting markets to buy flowers and then I’m on the road and setting up for weddings or visiting clients and venues. Sometimes I just use Rosalique on the road as it’s so easy to apply. It's non-greasy and just a little bit lasts a full day! The difference it makes to my red patches on my face is incredible, I rarely wear any other makeup. This is the one product that I now couldn’t be without!"



"I’m Sarah, a mum of 2 boys, working part time from home. I’m not a big make up wearer (due to sensitive skin) but started to wear more over the last few years as I have started to suffer from red skin, especially around my nose and cheeks. I feel very self-conscious of it when I go out and about. I feel like my nose is shining bright red.

I use Rosalique by itself for quick coverage or as a base if I am going to add a little bit of foundation. It’s the only product that I feel does genuinely cover my redness the best and I feel more confident when I am using it. Also, the new brush has made it easier to apply and blend in to my skin."


"As a professional makeup artist there are some products that I rely on time after time and Rosalique is one of them! I suffer from mild rosacea and had searched high and low for a product that I could use that wouldn’t aggravate my skin further. When I was introduced to Rosalique by another makeup artist, I was a bit sceptical, but I can honestly say that this product is an absolute game changer for both me and my makeup kit / clients.

I use Rosalique on myself on a daily basis, either by itself or if I’m getting a bit more dolled up then I use it as a base product much like you would a primer or to cover any redness as a concealer. When I use foundation by itself my redness always shows through but with Rosalique I know that won’t happen!"


"I’m Zoe Darkins - Clinic Director and Senior Practitioner at Inside-Out Laser Clinics. I was first introduced to Rosalique two years ago after its initial launch and can honestly say I’ve never looked back. I use Rosalique daily myself to help with my Rosacea and it also gives a lovely colouring and overall glow to my skin. I absolutely love that it contains SPF50!

I’m not one for wearing makeup especially foundation, but this product is easy to apply, and I can add more on problematic areas for an even complexion. I recommend Rosalique to all my clients with Redness, Rosacea and uneven skin tone. It’s a real game changer!" 



"Hi, I'm Amanda I'm 57 years of age. I have worked for NHS for  25 years.

I have rosacea & before I discovered Rosalique I was embarrassed to go out without a full face of makeup. I would cry & became depressed, but Rosalique changed my life!

I just apply it on its own & I now have the confidence to go about my day & its SPF50 is a bonus as its important to protect your skin."




"Hello to all ladies that might be feeling frustrated at never finding anything on the market that hides any form of redness! You don’t need to look any further as this product has been amazing for me. I hope my story might help others that are having problems with redness, and what to do about it. My name is Claire Perry, and I'm a singer/comedienne in a band.

I also used to be a makeup artist years ago, I still dabble occasionally. I have been used to wearing copious amounts of make up for stage, special effect make-up, fashion shoots etc. So, it’s fair to say I have tried all kinds of products which have never caused any skin sensitivity.

However, after hitting the 'cat lady' age, menopause kicked in and I’ve had a lot of problems, to the point of, not being able to wear any liquid foundation at all. It was like my skin became like a pumice stone!  I had weird flare ups, where my face would swell up, distort, and go every shade of pink on the Dulux colour chart. Then it would get extremely itchy, to the point of me feeling like I could tear my skin off on my face and neck! It was dreadful, and very depressing, especially when I was having to try and look 'glam’ for my job.

Then, scrolling a particularly bad day away on my phone, I saw an ad for Rosalique. I read it and thought sure another rip off product, that will sit in my drawer, doing nothing (having maybe tried it once, and feeling let down again). I continues reading and I thought, sod it! I'll give it a go and ordered some! It came within a few days and I saw it was green and knew enough about make up to realise green counteracts redness, but I wasn’t expecting the result I got!!

Its lightweight, but can be built up, for more coverage, yet covers in seconds, to change with your skin tone? I was blown away!  I just use a good mineral powder over the top, and it looks great, and I very rarely need to touch my makeup, even during a sweaty gig! It has helped me feel like me again, and although I'm nearing 60!!- (gulp) I was hiding away for weeks, as I felt like something out of a horror novel on the really bad days. My skin surface is better than it's been for years since using Rosalique too! I have enclosed a bad day picture (brace yourselves it’s not pretty) along with a picture since using this fab product!"


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